For me, one of the most dreaded tasks after performing an autopsy was to complete the autopsy report and write official letters to be attached to it. With time, we computerized all reports and letters that were to be sent to the police station. This reduced a lot of friction in getting work done and made the whole process a lot easier. Here I share some formats that we used.
Autopsy Report
Previously, the police station used to send us an autopsy report format in Nepali paper along with the authorization and inquest letter. However, these days, typed autopsy reports are preferred, and some police stations may or may not send the format. We used an outdated format to type out these reports. The official website of the Nepal medico-legal training program has an updated autopsy format as well as a sample of how to write these reports. Please find these resources in this link. The Government Cases Regulation 2055, Section 7, states that the autopsy report should be sent to the police station within 24 hours of completion of an autopsy. From my experience, this has not been strictly implemented, though.
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Letters to be sent with viscera samples
The properly labeled viscera samples should be accompanied by a letter detailing to whom the viscera belongs and the number of samples. Here is a format. This should also be recorded in a record book. These formalities are mostly carried out by a Kharidaar or anyone you have designated to handle official procedures. However, whenever they are on leave, it can create unnecessary chaos; hence, better to be informed!
Letter to be sent with the autopsy report
Once the autopsy report is completed, it should be sent to the police station accompanied by a letter. Here is the format. This should also be entered into the record book.
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